At the edge of your knife
We still bearing His name
At the edge of your stone
We still forgiving you
At the edge of your bullet
We still standing tall
You do dark even in light
But couldn’t dim our Fire
Trade our sisters to the hungry flesh
But couldn’t trade 116 for 666
Slash our brothers through the neck
But couldn’t quiet the dripping blood,
Crying “Yeshua…!”
You snatch away the Book
We pull out the Word from within
21 Coptic, 30 Ethiopian?
You started with 1 Stephen
Send them to the Pit down?
Sent them to the City above!
Young chests unafraid of your bullets
Boldly confessing the King’s gospel
Little lips refusing to deny the Name
Trust us, we pray for your wombs’ fruits
Burying our filled wombs?
We pray too for your wombs be filled
At the edge of your knife
We still bearing His name
At the edge of your stone
We still forgiving you
At the edge of your bullet
We still standing tall